台灣去過浪點(1)總圖+台北宜蘭/ Taiwan surf spots--Whole Taiwan map and Taipei/Yilan
- 在南加州學會衝浪後,每次回台灣都想要去拜訪浪點。很高興台灣也可以衝浪!
- 台灣的浪人普遍人很好。台灣很多浪點,可以坐在海上,回頭看遠方一層層翠綠高聳的山巒,非常美麗。
- 租板一天在五百元上下。
- Taiwan surfers generally are very mellow and nice. You can sit on the ocean and look at the lush tall mountains on the distance, very beautiful.
- Board rental is around 500$ (17 usd) a day.
台北 Taipei:
中角 Zhong Jiao (沙珠灣)
- 美國網站是說“金山”,結果其實浪點叫做“中角”,離金山大約還有三公里的距離。
- 想說金山也在台北,不會太遠吧。結果離台北市區好遠,所需要的交通時間跟去宜蘭衝浪差不多。開車似乎快要一個小時。
- 我去了兩次,都是坐大眾交通工具,一次從基隆車站坐過去,一次從台北車站坐過去,從這兩個地方去所花時間都差不多,至少一個半小時。開車的話,從基隆開過去會比較近。
- 從基隆車站,大台北公車862可直達中角,不然其他比較多公車會先到金山老街,再從金山老街轉公車到中角。
- 從台北車站,搭乘1815公車,到金山老街。再轉公車,不然可以事先聯絡衝浪福利社,上次超級nice的老闆Kevin就來載我去海邊 (那時是冬天,可能比較空閒)。
- 一次夏天去,2-4呎,(膝蓋~肩)軟長順浪超好玩。是在台灣衝過最好的浪況之一。但是記得海水很髒,很多垃圾漂浮在海面上,不知道是不是常態?(稍微查了一下,這裡的水污染是常態沒錯。)
- 夏天很擁擠。冬天都沒有人。
- 另一次冬天去,3-6呎(腰~頭上一呎),對我來說太大,又亂蓋,我划不出去。衝浪福利社老闆凱文好心開車載我去鄰近的水尾寮衝,浪比較小(2-4呎,膝~肩)。水尾寮(漁港)離中角20分鐘車程。
- 一次是跟波管工廠租板,老闆蘇比人超好。另一次跟衝浪福利社,老闆凱文人也好得不得了啊。兩家的板子狀況都比其他地方好很多。
- 海灘面向東北。
- Zhong Jiao, or Jin Shan (Golden Mountain) if you want to find it on Magicseaweed website, is in Jin Shan District, located in the northern tip of New Taipei District. Very far from Taipei City center, about the same travel time to Wu Shi surf spot in Yilan. It's 43km and one hour drive from city center.
- If by public transportation, from Taipei Station, take 1815 bus to Jin Shan(1.5 hr), from there you can transfer bus to Zhong Jiao (20 mins), or last time I contacted Switchfoot Surf Club and they came pick me up (It's winter so I guess they are more free?). It's about 3 km from Jin Shan to Zhong Jiao.
- From Keelung Station, bus 862 take you all the way to Zhong Jiao without transferring, also about 1.5 hr. Keelung is closer to Zhong Jiao than Taipei City.
- Shui Wei fish port is 20 minutes east from Zhong Jiao, the waves are smaller.
- Fun mellow long rides. But the water is polluted. Very crowded in summer. Little surfers in winter. (Bigger in winter.)
- There are not that many cheaper lodging options in Jin Shan area. Switchfoot Surf Club has simple but clean rooms.
- I rent boards from two surf shops: Switchfoot Surf Club, the owner Kevin Fu is super nice and attentive, great collections of boards and gears, speaks fluent English. Very responsive on Facebook and very passionate about his job. Tube Factory, the owner Subee is very nice too, boards are in great condition. He took me to have great hotpot with other surfers after.
- Big in winter and small in summer.
- Last time visited in February 2019, I heard this place went through major facilities and environment improvement, looking forward to visiting again.
宜蘭 Yilan
大溪 Dashi:
Went there long time ago, don't remember the details. Guess it's easy.
雙獅 Xuang Shi (Two Lions)
- 誤打誤撞來衝。本來要去外澳沙灘衝,結果從外澳車站出來後往北走十分鐘,就是雙獅浪點,或是小澳。我們是從台北坐火車來外澳車站的。
- 夏天來這裡衝了兩天,第一天是2~4呎(膝~肩)的軟長浪很好玩。隔天變得很小不好玩。
- 我們住在外澳車站附近,附近真的是什麼都沒有。有一家不錯吃的餐廳,可是也不是每天開。建議住在頭城或礁溪,吃東西的選擇比較多。頭城車站和外澳車站僅相差一站,外澳往南下一站是頭城,再下一站則是礁溪。
- 覺得雙獅的人潮比烏石港少。(也是,因為沒有那麼多浪店。)
- From Wai'ao train station, walk north for ten minutes to Little Ao beach, aka Two Lions.
- Soft slow long waves.
- Not recommend to stay here. There's no restaurant and nothing here. You can stay in Toucheng, just one train stop down south, or hot spring town Jiaosi, one stop south from Toucheng. There are more restaurants lodging options, and entertainment.
- Less crowded than Wushi, less surf shops there.
烏石港 Wushi (Black Rock Harbor)
- 👆Surfer Inn的狗,“Goofy”。Surfer Inn's dog, Goofy.
- 來了很多次!烏石跟雙獅應該是我全台灣最喜歡的浪點。大部分來的時候都可以衝浪,不會太令人失望。軟慢浪。
- 我每次都是自行騎機車前往。似乎沒有大眾交通可以直接抵達。從外澳車站也是要往南走十五分鐘才可抵達,或者可以轉搭計程車,或看浪店有沒有提供接駁服務。在濱海路二段上,看到有紅色董慶寺牌樓的港口路彎進去,就是衝浪區停車場。這裡有一排衝浪店街,有十來家衝浪店可以租板。
- 我跟Surfer Inn 和傑夫衝浪租過板子。分別是衝浪街上的第一家和第二家店。兩家的經驗都很好。Surfer Inn 的長板都是練習軟板,希望有較好的硬長板。
- 這裡的衝浪店服務極佳。熱水沖澡和洗髮沐浴乳吹風機(台灣並不冷啊,好希望加州租板店也提供這些服務。)海灘上浪店一字排開提供給租版客人使用的遮陽(雨)傘和座椅區。
- 超級擁擠!
- 我在這裡被水母慘電。之後下水一定穿全身水母衣。猜測在全台各區衝浪或多或少會被水母螫?
- 烏石和雙獅都可以看到海面上的龜山島。有時陰天看不到。
- 海灘面向東南。
- I have the best experience surfing in Wushi and Xuang Shi. Very consistent mellow waves and can be fun on some days.
- You have to walk 15 minutes from Wai'oa Station, or arrange pick-up from one of the surf shops. I came here on motorbikes.
- There're about 10 surf shops located near the beach entrance. I rent board from Surfer Inn and Jeff Surf. The surf shops here provide nice hot showers, chairs and umbrellas on the beach.
- Super crowded. Should avoid summer or weekends. Even weekdays, try come in the early morning.
- Got stung by jelly fish very bad here, but guess could happen everywhere in Taiwan?
- From Wushi and Xuang Shi, you can see Turtle island in the close distance. Beach is south-east facing.