Fiji 斐濟 (2) 維堤島浪點

Surf spots on Viti Levu

I surfed: Natadola Beach 4 times, Swimming Pools once. 
Bf surfed: Natadola Beach, Hideaway, Cloud Break, Swimming Pools, and other spots near Namotu / Tavarua islands. 

(1fj = 0.46 usd = 14台幣)

Natadola Beach 那塔都拉海灘
  • 初學者學衝浪的好地點,中級者也能在這裡衝得過癮。事實證明,有名的Cloud Break 或其他離島浪點對我來說都太大了。那塔都拉海灘最適合我的程度,來了好幾次,每次的浪都況都驚人的好。每次浪大小都維持在2-4呎 (膝蓋到胸)(偶爾5呎(頭)),是斐濟維堤本島上少數幾個不需要搭船出去的浪點。
  • 怎麼去:初學者可在Wailoaloa Beach 請教練Inia帶你去(一次200fj 全包),各大飯店也可幫你聯絡人帶你去。非常推薦教練Inia, 人超級nice, 對工作很熱情,據說是斐濟最棒的浪人。不是初學者的話,我們兩人是租車(一天約150fj, 三天以上有折扣),再租版(我們跟Inia租, 一天50 fjd)自己去,會比較便宜。離楠迪開車一小時。搭公車不方便。
  • 只能在滿潮前後兩小時衝(共可衝四小時),不然海水太淺,會被珊瑚礁割傷,有看到浪人被劃出大傷口。
  • 美麗,安靜人少的偏僻海灘,也可以浮潛看珊瑚礁和海龜。完全沒有任何設施,先買好食物再來。
  • friendly beginner spot.  Intermediate will have fun too.  The only spot, other than Sigatoka river-mouth, that you can paddle out from shore. Very consistent, every time guarantees surfable waves.  Should only go two hours before or after high tide, or else it's too shallow and can get injured from reef. One hour drive from Nadi.  Beautiful, quiet, sandy beach, great for hanging out/snorkeling too. No facilities.
  • Sufer Inia: based at Bamboo Backpacker Inn in Wailoaloa Beach, he takes hotel guests to Natadola Beach for surf lessons.  One session is 200fj per person, includes transportation, board, very good refreshments (other surf tours didn't provide) and water.  You surf however long you like, so we surfed for 4 hours with breaks in between. Inia is super nice, passionate, gives great advice.  But if you are not beginner, you can rent a car yourself, rent a board from him and go there yourself, will be cheaper.

Hideaway 隱匿處
  • 離楠迪1.5小時車程,位於珊瑚海岸, "Hideaway" 飯店的海灘划出去就是,但是要划很遠才會到浪點,最好是有船載。
  •  1.5 hour drive from Nadi, in Coral coast. Right outside from Hideaway Resort.  Better to get a  boat out or it's a super long paddle out (But the surf company may make you paddle out). 

Namotu / Tavarua islands 拿摸圖島,塔巴汝島的有名浪點們

  • 我只有去浪點“Swimming Pools” (游泳池),因為他們說游泳池是這一帶最簡單的點。結果我去的時候,浪是4-8呎, (胸~頭上加三呎),對我來說還是太大了,讓我很驚恐。最有名的Cloud Break 當然又比游泳池更大了。
  • 怎麼去:這些浪點散佈在維堤本島外海的兩個超級小島---拿摸圖島與塔巴汝島的四周。楠迪附近有兩家衝浪店開船載你去:Fiji Surf Co, 或Brothers Surf Tours , 兩店都是200fj, 包含楠迪來回接送,船,板子,水。Fiji Surf Co 是唯一的斐濟製衝浪板品牌,板子很好。我從Brothers Surf Tour 的港口開船出去,15分鐘到浪點,他們比Fiji Surf Co更靠近浪點。
  • 雖然大,浪很軟很慢,有時會突然間產生一道大浪嚇一跳。
  • 我們待在維堤島時,連續好幾天起大風,浪店決定不開船。
  • I only did Swimming Pools, supposed to be the easiest spot around there, but when I went it was 4-8' waves and it's still too big for me.  Very soft and slow waves, can suddenly form a big wall from nowhere.  The surf spots here can be windy, and surf companies may decide not to boat out.  
  • Fiji Surf Co: 200 fj for surf boat tour (4hr) with board rental, transportation from Nadi. The only Fiji board making company.  Board rental is 70 fj/ day, pricier than others but great qualities and varieties.  
  • Brothers Surf Tours: 200 fj for surf boat tour (4hr) / board rental/ transportation from Nadi.  Affiliates to Rendezvous Surf Camp. 

Other surf spots we were thinking about 其他考慮浪點但沒緣的
  • Beachouse 飯店的自有海灘說可以衝,但是我們待了四天,每天浪都是紊亂沒辦法衝。附近有名浪點Frigate Pass 也因浪況不好,浪店決定不帶客人去。
  • Beachouse resort's house beach can be surfable.  But during our 4 days stay, waves were messy, dumpy, unsurfable.  Beachouse also boats you out to Frigate Pass, but that time condition was bad too, they decided not take the boat out.



地圖 『di-tu』紀錄 (一): 國家們

土耳其第二天: 伊斯坦堡、六翼天使、後宮、國民美食